The Texas abortion ban is a fucking atrocity, and while there are certainly already legal challenges underway, there are several regional abortion funds that can use the support much more urgently.
Several of them can be found here:
“So what do we do now?”
A better question is, “What you are prepared to do?” Because some of it will have to be illegal. They have closed off all other avenues now.
If you’re not prepared for that yet, what do you need to do so that you are?
Otto von Bismarck pushed to give the people of Imperial Germany universal healthcare, not because he thought they deserved it, but because he was so scared of the Social Democrats, communists, and anarchists, and was seeking to mollify everyone else.
The ACLU, NARAL, and Planned Parenthood will be busy seeing if there are legal means to pursue. For the rest of us, we have to make the lives of legislators, governors, and even judges hell.
They’ve successfully insulated themselves from legal challenges and democratic will as expressed via electoralism. But some would tell you that was always the case.
Poor people have limited resources, votes do not cross state lines, and they don’t ever let you vote for liberation, anyhow. Electoralism is a dead end because it is already captured by powers who preserve the hierarchies of the status quo. “Heads we win,” the oligarchs say, “tails you lose.”
You can vote, sure. And if you’re just a social democrat then that may be all you’re willing to do — vote and work on campaigns for votes. There is a place for that that is better than doing nothing.
But if you recognize the problem is worse and more fundamental than elections can solve, why would you spend mutually exclusive resources on that when you know most people will never do anything more radical than that?
Pictured design is “F-Uterus” by Sarah Creed, former curator of the Vagina Museum.
TST sued us from April 2020 to September 2024, and we are still here.