Suggested materials are:
- a candle
- a lighter or matches
- a piece of paper
- a writing instrument
Though if you lack any of these you can simply follow along on the video stream. The candle will be lit in the ritual, so keep it at hand for now.
*If you are not a member but are interested in getting involved, you can find a link to our [Capital Area Satanists’] Discord at
- Opening and Closing of Ritual: The Organizers of Capital Area Satanists
- The Malediction Against Evil Empires: Piper Furiosa (Inspired by Greek Curse Tablets & Archbishop Gavin Dunbar’s “Monition of Cursing”)
- Performed and Filmed By: Felo de Se and Piper Furiosa
- Video Editing: Piper Furiosa
Greetings and welcome to the latest in our cycle of lunar rituals.
Suggested materials are:
Though if you lack any of these you can simply follow along on the video stream. The candle will be lit in the ritual, so keep it at hand for now.
We will get started in just a moment.
Find a seated position where you can rest comfortably for an extended duration. (pause a moment)
Let us begin.
Casting the circle / calling the quarters / invocations
Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly.
Allow yourself to settle into this moment, feeling the support of the earth beneath you.
Allow yourself to feel firmly grounded in place. Strong and immovable by any will but your own.
You may now light your candle.
With the lighting of this flame, honor the gift of knowledge bestowed upon you and which you carry forward with you.
[Participants each light their candle]
With the ringing of the bell, feel the space around you, already a tenuous material reality, detach itself from the mundane world. Creating room for your own inner world to briefly manifest outward.
As within so without.
[ring bell 3 times]
[Officiants to light appropriate candles]
We call to you, Erdgeists and Zamin (/Zuh-mean/),
You who can bring down rocks and mudslides,
You who can rend the plates of the earth in two.
Hear us! Answer our call!
We call to you, Harpies and Venti (/vent-eye/),
You who raise lightning and thunder, blasts and blows,
You who birth great tempestuous storms.
Hear us! Answer our call!
We call to you, Undines and Sirens,
You who can drown men in waters,
You overthrow ships of war,
You with power over winds and seas.
Hear us! Answer our call!
We call to you, Vulcanus and Salamandras,
You who turn all human works to ash,
You who burn with molten liquid earth.
Hear us! Answer our call!
We call to you, Hyldemoers (/Hilda-moors/) and Hamadryades (/Ham-uh-dry-uh-dees/)
You who control things that grow,
You who withhold from the greedy and rapacious.
Hear us! Answer our call!
We call to you, Banshees and Keres (/care-ease/),
You who rule the deadlands
You who guard dead souls sent from firefights or famine . Hear us! Answer our call!
We call to you, Satan & all the legions of hell,
You rebellious damned
You who share our burning drive for justice.
Hear us! Answer our call!
We have begged your presence today so that you will aid us in this curse:
We curse:
All tyrannical politicians, here far and away.
All fascist foot soldiers, here and far away.
All ruthless robber barons, here and far away.
All wealth and land hoarders, here and far away.
All bloody colonial empires, here and far away.
All those who aid oppression, here and far away.
All those who harm other beings, here far and away.
May all the malevolent wishes and curses ever known,
since the beginning of the world to this very hour,
land upon them.
May the malediction of Lucifer and all his fellows,
a torture that burns without ceasing,
land upon them.
May the fire and sword that falls unfairly over Gaza and Lebanon
stop them from the quietude of the grave
until they forebear and make amends.
May the evil that needlessly falls upon Congo and Syria,
fall on them for the vicious slaughter
that they commit daily.
May the thunder and lightning
which rained down upon Valencia and Indonesia,
Which flooded Albion and Éire (/Air-uh/)
rain down upon them
and flood them for their open evil.
May all the plagues that fell upon the earth,
causing so much needless affliction,
instead fall upon them,
their places,
their lands,
their livelihoods.
May the waters of the Nahr al-ʾUrdunn (/na-har al ur-dun/),
and all other waters which they use,
drown them, as the Titan,
built with ill-gotten gains,
drowned in its own hubris.
May the earth open and cleave,
May soil and mud slide their world away,
just as it swallowed Ashville and Talisay.
May the wildfire that reduced
Australia and Canada and California
to ash
burn and consume them daily,
for their choices dry our lands into kindling.
And may all the vengeance that ever was taken since the world began,
fall on them for their openly evil ways,
their senseless slaughter
and shedding of innocent blood.
We curse them going and We curse them returning;
We curse them standing and We curse them sitting;
We curse them eating and We curse them drinking;
We curse them rising, and We curse them lying;
We curse them at home, We curse them away;
We curse them within the house, We curse them outside the house;
We curse their friends and their cronies,
their toadies and their lackeys;
We curse all who assist and enable,
deny or ignore,
& in any way do not oppose their deeds.
We bring ill wishes upon:
their halls & their chambers,
their kitchens & studies,
their garages & their transports,
their lawns & their gardens,
their businesses & their meeting halls,
their tech & their investments;
We bring ill wishes on all the goods and houses
necessary for their sustenance and welfare.
We sever and part them
from the rest of humanity,
and deliver them immediately
to the void,
the silence,
the isolation.
They will call out,
and none shall hear them.
We bar their entrance of all places they come to;
and We forbid all good people to hear their conversation
or to comfort them of their suffering,
until they are first humbled by this curse.
We forbid all hearts that love justice to have any company with them:
No eating
No drinking
No speaking
No praying
No lying
No going
No standing,
Nor being with them in any other deed-doing,
under the pain that all betrayers feel
when their deceit becomes known.
We curse:
their head
and all the hairs of their head;
their face
their brain
their innermost thoughts
their mouth
their nose
their tongue
their teeth
their forehead
their shoulders
their chest
their back
their heart
their stomach
their guts
their gonads
their womb
their seed
their arms
their legs
their hands
their feet
and every part of their body,
from the top of their head
to the soles of their feet,
and behind,
and without.
And, finally,
we condemn them to be jailed in the deepest pit,
full of all the refuse and excrement on earth,
and there they shall remain
with stinging flies
and scavenger bugs
eating their flesh
while they still live.
when we have rounded up all their fellows,
we condemn their bodies
to the gallows of The Hague,
first to be executed for their crimes,
then ripped and torn by dogs and swine,
and other wild beasts,
All vicious creatures of the world.
And when their candle
their light of life
goes from our sight,
we condemn their souls
to go without any union
with any good result
that is beyond this world.
Nor shall their souls
return to the cycle of life
while they make no satisfaction
and no penance.
We condemn their good reputation,
if they have any left,
to be stricken from the world,
any good that was from them
to be forgotten for all eternity,
with only the warning tale
of their foul deeds remaining
in this world
and any beyond it.
We condemn them to all of this
and any ill more that can be summoned
until they forebear their open crimes,
rise from this terrible cursing,
and make satisfaction
and penance.
To seal this curse, all of us who hear this malediction,
who curse these wrongdoers,
we will pledge a sacrifice of our time and effort
to the cause of justice.
We will choose a singular action we will partake of
not just once, but regularly,
and one that requires great effort and will.
An action that aids the fight
against these wrongdoers
and balms the results
of their oppressive misdeeds.
We will write our pledges on this paper,
understanding that the curse only gets its power if these deeds are done,
not just inked on pulp.
[long pause for participants to write]
Now we fold this paper 3 times.
By the power of 3 times 3,
Let this curse come to be.
By the power of 3 times 3,
Let this curse come to be.
By the power of 3 times 3,
Let this curse come to be.
[long pause for participants to fold]
We will place our pledges in our left shoe,
to act as a stone underfoot
as we walk our daily path,
spurring us to action
and reminding us we must act
to be worthy of all we ask.
[long pause for participants to put in shoe or to put near their shoe for later]
So all sayeth we,
attended to by those of great power,
shall now be done.
We now release you and offer our thanks
Satan & all legions of hell
Banshees and Keres (/care-ease/)
Hyldemoers (/Hilda-moors/) and Hamadryades (/Ham-uh-dry-uh-dees/)
Vulcanus and Salamandras
Undines (/un-deans/) and Sirens
Harpies and Venti (/vent-eye/)
Erdgeists and Zamins (/Zuh-mean/)
Our gratitude goes with you! Hail and farewell.
Hail and farewell.
Extend gratitude to yourself for setting aside this moment of intentionality and will. If you so choose, repeat to yourself:
“I am at the center.
I am the center.
There is no god where I am.”
I am at the center.
I am the center.
There is no god where I am.”
With the ringing of this bell,
return to the rational world
renewed by your retreat from it
and stronger in any resolve gathered,
ready to work your will
by the growing moonlight of the next lunar cycle.
[Rings bell 3 times]
Go well and be safe. May the devil take you and keep you. Hail Satan!
Hail Satan!
So it is done.
A Malediction Ritual Against Evil Empires © 2024 by Piper Furiosa & The Organizers of
Capital Area Satanists is licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
TST sued us from April 2020 to September 2024, and we are still here.