
Satanic Unbaptism Ritual

A collective ritual magic guide for non-theists & materialists [Zine] Unbaptism rituals can be healing especially for people who’d like to consciously and actively undo something done to them without their assent or that they were too young to really consent to. The good news is you can just do that! Sit down with each […]

June 30, 2023


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Queer Satanic at Trans Pride Seattle 2023

OK, now that there’s exactly a week left, we should go ahead and announce that we’ll have our own table at Trans Pride Seattle 2023: Ten Year Anniversary! We’re partnering with Art of Kelly Dean Verity who is the veteran here in terms of setting up these sorts of things; Verity will be working live […]

June 16, 2023

Stickers, flags, zines, ??? — Queer Satanic will be at trans pride Seattle 6pm to 930pm Friday Jun 23 at volunteer park amphitheater

Community, Queer Pride, Ritual

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[MIRROR] Queer Armed Joy: Report Back From Vancouver’s ‘Big Gay Wedding’

Originally posted by Sabot Media and IGD News Dozens of local queers in Southwest Washington State celebrated the unofficial start of summer this year with a ‘Big Gay Wedding’, gathering from morning till afternoon on a warm holiday weekend — right outside of a Christian Nationalist hate church that preaches LGBTQ eradication. Directed and cheered […]

June 2, 2023

Community, Guest Article, Queer Pride, Ritual

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Satanic Flame Ritual

A Short Guide to Private Devotional Magic for Non-Theists and Materialists [Printable Zine] Why bother? Internal focus is a powerful tool for working through problems and shedding feelings that may be holding you back, but as non-theists there is another aspect to the candle ritual. In some religions, prayer allows the faithful to soundboard inner […]

April 5, 2023

Guest Article, Ritual

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