December 13, 2021

Bodily autonomy includes sterilization

Black women in particular have been targeted for forcible sterilization for generations (e.g. “Mississippi appendectomy”) but not allowed to self-sterilize, terminate their own pregnancies, or temporarily prevent their own pregnancies.

Bodily autonomy includes voluntary reproduction, when and if that’s desired.

People who want to give birth are not at present provided the resources to have the healthy and safe pregnancies their bodies must undergo, to have affordable reproductive care by default (including birthing), and to raise children — directly or indirectly.

Under capitalism, freedom is still a matter of money as much as anything, and ongoing systems of anti-Black racism stands on the shoulders of giants: centuries of inter-generational robbery and wealth destruction.

“Your body is free, but only if you can pay for it, and we let you,” — white supremacy.

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The Satanic Temple's Boogeyman

Queer Satanic

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