Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

March 9, 2024

The Satanic Temple II: Electric Boogaloo

TST’s second lawsuit against four former members in Washington State rolls on in King County superior court.

Now, as we were able to happily announce in January, The Satanic Temple is no longer suing us in federal court! Apparently TST decided that the Ninth Circuit requiring them to actually specify what and how they claimed to have been victims of defamation (instead of just asserting it to be accepted as a fact)  ruined the whole point of claiming it. Sad trombone noises.

But, the lawsuit the Temple filed against us in King County Superior Court is no longer on pause. In some ways for the first time, we’ve been able to present our own version of events, which naturally are more accurate, and actually substantiated by evidence. 

United Federation of Churches DBA ‘The Satanic Temple’ v. Johnson et al

If you jump to page 12 of the embedded file/second link, we are able to get away from “denying”/”admitting” the claims TST made in the first link, and we begin to lay out just what the hell actually happened four years ago. We also get into what led up to it, and all of the things TST’s previous filings either flat-out lied about or presented in as misleading a way as possible, hoping no one would notice.

But we noticed, and now hopefully a few more people will, too.

We are going to try to talk some more about this soon, maybe on Twitch.TV/QueerSatanic, so please follow us there for alerts if you haven’t already. 

In less than a month, it’ll have been four years since all of this started. Admittedly, it has been somewhat disappointing to see the lack of people that have taken notice, or those that have decided they don’t really care what TST does since they piss off the Christians and Republicans so much.

But, as we were able to demonstrate some more here, this case has never really been in doubt in terms of what actually happened or as a matter of law. The only questions was whether TST could leverage their resources to force bully poorer people (again) and get their way. 

To everyone who has helped us continue to defend ourselves from this, thank you, because we have been able to keep going, to keep reaching new people, and keep reminding many people who’d rather not think about it that The Satanic Temple is a truly awful organization and not worthy of anyone’s support.

Hail Satan.

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The Satanic Temple's Boogeyman

Queer Satanic

The Satanic Temple has been suing us since April 2020, and we are still here.