May 14, 2021

Where does The Satanic Temple stand on Israel?

TST members have lots of opinions on Palestine, but the Temple’s co-owner Cevin Soling is a Zionist, and his is the opinion that matters

As Israel continues aggressively expanding and deepening its apartheid state, destroying Palestinian homes, killing children, and letting lynch mobs run through the streets in the name of self-defense, you may wonder where various Satanic groups stand on these issues.

We can only speak for ourselves (#SaveSheikhJarrah) but many don’t know one of The Satanic Temple’s two central figures and owners is Cevin “Malcolm Jarry” Soling.

(Note: You may recognize Shane Bugbee from his previous collaborations with Doug Misicko a.k.a. “Doug Mesner” a.k.a. “Lucient Greaves”.)

Although Soling has many ongoing side projects, relevant here is a not-yet-nonprofit also based out of Massachusetts called “Alliance for Integrity and Justice Ltd.”

Massachusetts Secretary of State corporations page

While not obvious from the title, “Alliance for Integrity and Justice” is an organization with the express purpose of targeting Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction (BDS) supporters in the name of making opposition to Israel equivalent to being antisemitic

You know, like how certain other people like to conflate “Israel” or “Zionism” with all of Jewishness for their own purposes.

The website, in all its glory:

Be warned; that Spectacle Films video is pretty upsetting.

You can place your own bets on whether TST officially will have no opinion, will advise members not to publicly associate TST with pro-Palestinian activities (as they did for months with Black Lives Matter last summer), or if they’ll come out with an official statement to the right of Biden in support of Israel.

But it’s highly unlikely that “No one should be victims of brutal state violence, and Palestinians must be free” will be where they land given how their owner is on the record talking about The Satanic Temple as its co-owner and his support for Israel as recently as 2016.

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The Satanic Temple's Boogeyman

Queer Satanic

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