
Is it dead-naming to refer to “Lucien Greaves” as “Doug Misicko”?

No, it is not. Sometimes well-meaning people ask this question sincerely, but in practice, it usually feels like people raise and deploy the specter of dead-naming as a way to distract from all of the other criticisms of The Satanic Temple and its owners that are completely indefensible. As even these people acknowledge, neither of […]

July 23, 2024

The Satanic Temple

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The Satanic Panic is still alive in Idaho

Satanism is opposed child abuse, but local cops in Idaho want people to think the exact opposite Earlier this week, an Idaho county sheriff’s office published a press release to Facebook about the conclusion of a criminal investigation and prosecution of a 22-year-old man. The man pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual exploitation of […]

June 26, 2024

The Satanic Temple

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Why You Should (Not) Become a Satanist

(A Case Against) Identifying with Satanism in the Modern World Zine: [Pages in Order][Two-per-page, print front-and-back, flip-on-short-edge] First, let’s make sure there’s no misunderstanding. Most Satanists do not worship or even believe in a literal, supernatural devil. It is absolutely not the norm for Satanists to abuse or ritually harm children or animals; if anything, […]

June 11, 2024

Hail Lucifer The Light Bringer: Archbudzar illustration of blue Baphomet figure with top surgery scars and wings wears a punk battle vest with trans pride flag, trans symbol, and satanic antifascism patches. Floating above one hand is “Queer Ultraviolence” the Bash Back! anthology book while floating above the other hand is a lit Molotov cocktail with a leviathan cross / sulfur symbol on it. Fire also comes from the top of Baphomet’s head like the traditional famous “Sabbatic Goat” illustration


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The Satanic Temple does not care about its members

TST’s own court filings show it is not interested in any structural reform or protections for people in the org, only protecting the Temple’s owners The Satanic Temple has been suing Newsweek since February 2022 over a critical article the magazine published in October 2021 that focused on TST’s SLAPP action against the four of […]

June 6, 2024

Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

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The New Heretics Stream (5/31/24)

Watch Twitch.TV/QueerSatanic(8 p.m. Pacific Fridays / 0300 GMT Saturdays) [INFORMED DISSENT] The Satanic Temple Inc. v. Newsweek Magazine LLC TST’s own evidence reveals how poor its reaction to sexual abuse claims are The Satanic Temple has been suing Newsweek since 2022 over a critical article the magazine published in October 2021 focusing on TST’s SLAPP […]

May 31, 2024

Lawsuits, The New Heretics

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How The Satanic Temple is just like the Catholic Church

Court filings reveal not only does TST pay to get positive news coverage to distract from the bad, it used the same PR guy the Church did — for exactly what you think Background: The Satanic Temple started suing four former members of its Washington State chapter in April 2020, accusing us of, among other […]

May 28, 2024

"corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture"

Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

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The Satanic Temple and its Eternal Nobodies

TST members and local groups begin another mass departure as Lucien Greaves clarifies once again that the “freedom to offend” does not include him as a target 5/31/24: Article updated from original publish date as more information became available and more TST groups and prominent figures publicly exited the org. Additional events after May 31 […]

May 17, 2024

Doug Misicko aka Lucien Greaves on his phone typing with a tweet by him that says “Did the FB chatter not look shittening to you? Certainly looks that way to me.”

The Satanic Temple

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The New Heretics Stream (5/10/24)

Watch Twitch.TV/QueerSatanic (Fridays @ 8 p.m. Pacific / 0300 GMT) Good news for TST in Boston invocation appeal, updates on TST HQ arrests, and Spencer Sunshine’s book release 1. [INFORMED DISSENT] Satanic Temple, Inc. v. City of Boston The First Circuit Court of Appeals is addressing The Satanic Temple’s appeal of TST’s failure at the federal district […]

May 13, 2024

The New Heretics

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“The Satanic Temple: The Lasting Influence of the Abraxas Circle” by Spencer Sunshine

This is excerpted from Spencer Sunshine’s book Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism: The Origins and Afterlife of James Mason’s Siege. It documents how Siege—the “bible” of aspiring neo-Nazi terrorists like the Atomwaffen Division—was created and disseminated. In particular, the second half deals with the role played by four 1980s and ‘90s countercultural figures: Boyd Rice, Adam Parfrey, Michael Moynihan, and Nikolas Schreck, who in turn collected a group of collaborators which Sunshine calls the “Abraxas Circle.” The end of the book includes a section about the influence of the Abraxas Circle on TST—especially the infamous 2003 “Might is Right” show.

May 9, 2024

Guest Article, The Satanic Temple

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The New Heretics Stream (5/3/24)

Watch Twitch.TV/QueerSatanic (Fridays @ 8 p.m. Pacific / 0300 GMT) 1. “The Satanic Temple to place ministers in Oklahoma schools if SB 36 becomes law” We talked about this recently in regards to a similar chaplain bill in Florida where Gov. Ron DeSantis picked a fight with The Satanic Temple, specifying “no Satanists” for the […]

May 6, 2024

The New Heretics

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