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The Satanic Temple has been suing us since April 2020, and we are still here.


Queer Satanic

The Satanic Temple's Boogeyman

The New Heretics

Queer Pride


Church of Satan

What the Hell is The Satanic Temple?



Lawyers are Expensive




The Satanic Temple

Guest Article

“Lucien Greaves” and The Satanic Temple have a lot to answer for

How can TST’s defenders think grotesque bigotry by its owner is merely “an imperfection” to be celebrated? When confronted with examples of Doug “Lucien Greaves” Misicko’s pattern of reactionary words and actions over the past two decades, usually, The Satanic Temple’s sycophants offer one of a small handful of stock excuses to deflect and otherwise […]

March 22, 2023

For video title screens edited into a square: Lucien Greaves discusses "The View" and Corporate N-words (partially censored); Lucien Greaves discusses Black co-workers and cunnilingus; Lucien Greaves talks about the KKK and killing [k-slur for Jews, partially censored]; Lucien Greaves talks eugenics and "who decides"

The Satanic Temple

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[MIRROR] Italian Nazis in Black: An analysis of the Union of Italian Satanists

Originally published at My Thoughts Born From Fireby Aleph Skoteinos Whenever Satanism is covered in the press, the focus is usually on the representations of atheistic Satanism, usually consisting of the Church of Satan, The Satanic Temple, and/or the Global Order of Satan. This is a very problematic phenomenon, one that typically leaves out theistic […]

February 3, 2023

Nazi Satanists Fuck Off

Guest Article

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The Satanic Temple is very bad at court cases

TST’s choices of lawyers helps explain why We’ve written before about The Satanic Temple’s history of embarrassing legal failures and egregious self-inflicted errors as litigants. While it has seemed like this would never catch up to TST in the media because “Satanists are bad, actually” is about as “dog bites man” as a news story […]

January 11, 2023

@matt_kezhaya Are these fuckwits still talking about me? Grow up, and file an answer so I can get at your financial records. I'm coming for you. Tell the judge on me again, I double dare you.

Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

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The Cevin Who Would Be King

Cevin Soling is the co- or sole owner of most of The Satanic Temple’s various corporations but goes by the pseudonym “Malcolm Jarry” when associating with TST in public, including—alarmingly—on many of their legal documents. We’ve talked before about how before and during the early years of the Temple, Soling (as “Cevin Soling”) was visiting […]

January 7, 2023

Arrow pointing at white man in khaki pant and a baseball cap, text says "Cevin Soling aka 'Malcolm Jarry', co-owner of The Satanic Temple." Soling is flanked by two Ni-Vanuatu men in mlitary fatigues, with another man carrying a USA flag a few steps behind him. Another six paces behind that man is a contingent of NI-Vanuatu men marching in fatigues with wooden muskets. From a hut and at the edge of a clearing, more people look on.


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To Shame the Devil: Satanic Temple’s Lawsuit Against Ex-Members Fails Again

Federal judge in Washington State dismisses Salem, Mass., corp’s SLAPP suit for the second time [Read as PDF] Seattle, Wash. — For the second time in nearly three years of litigation, a federal district court in Washington State dismissed all claims made by The Satanic Temple against four of its former members. The Court found […]

January 6, 2023

Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

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When it comes to The Satanic Temple, there’s always more and it’s always worse

In short, The Satanic Temple is: But when it comes to The Satanic Temple, there’s always more and it’s always worse. Usually—and this is not a joke—when people learn more about The Satanic Temple’s owners Doug Misicko (“Lucien Greaves”) and Cevin Soling (“Malcolm Jarry”), and their business practices, the unprompted comparison folks make is “Scientology” […]

December 30, 2022

The Satanic Temple

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How to spot when you’re in a cult

Print: [Zine PDF][Zine Mirror][Alternate Zine – In Order][Alternate Zine – Two per page, print front and back, flip on short edge] How to recognize that you’re in a cult seems so obvious and therefore unnecessary to ask that most people never even bother to do so. Consequently, it should not be a surprise so many […]

November 29, 2022

Image of Jim Jones from behind on a stage as he leads a service of The People's Temple, a large crowd in front of him

Community, Cults

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Gwen Snyder on common cult dynamics

Originally tweeted by antifascist, organizer, writer, bitchmedia contributor Gwen Snyder (@gwensnyderPHL) on August 21, 2022. The Caleb Maupin stuff is horrifying, and horrifying in part because several of his cult tactics are often used by a number of left and “progressive” folks/organizations who seek to exploit young idealists and exploit their labor for profit and […]

August 21, 2022

Two people with a black bars obscuring their eyes stand behind a Grassroots Campaigns recruitment table with pamphlets

Guest Article

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Today is a good day for The Satanic Temple to release its finances

A TikToker spent two minutes talking about why The Satanic Temple can’t help you get an abortion and doesn’t deserve your support. TST threatened to sue her. But when it comes to The Satanic Temple, there’s always more and it’s always worse. Note: As of Nov. 23, 2022, the Temple has filed a lawsuit against […]

July 25, 2022

Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

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Footnotes: The Satanic Temple in the courts

Doug Misicko and Cevin Soling on the record in court depositions and testimony The following are the available court depositions of Doug Misicko (a.k.a. “Doug Mesner”, “Lucien Greaves”) and Cevin Soling (“Calvin Soling”, “Malcolm Jarry”) in matters concerning “The Satanic Temple”, which alternatively means the for-profit United Federation of Churches, LLC, dba The Satanic Temple; […]

July 5, 2022

Footnotes, Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

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