
“The Satanic Temple: The Lasting Influence of the Abraxas Circle” by Spencer Sunshine

This is excerpted from Spencer Sunshine’s book Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism: The Origins and Afterlife of James Mason’s Siege. It documents how Siege—the “bible” of aspiring neo-Nazi terrorists like the Atomwaffen Division—was created and disseminated. In particular, the second half deals with the role played by four 1980s and ‘90s countercultural figures: Boyd Rice, Adam Parfrey, Michael Moynihan, and Nikolas Schreck, who in turn collected a group of collaborators which Sunshine calls the “Abraxas Circle.” The end of the book includes a section about the influence of the Abraxas Circle on TST—especially the infamous 2003 “Might is Right” show.

May 9, 2024

Guest Article, The Satanic Temple

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[MIRROR] Queer Armed Joy: Report Back From Vancouver’s ‘Big Gay Wedding’

Originally posted by Sabot Media and IGD News Dozens of local queers in Southwest Washington State celebrated the unofficial start of summer this year with a ‘Big Gay Wedding’, gathering from morning till afternoon on a warm holiday weekend — right outside of a Christian Nationalist hate church that preaches LGBTQ eradication. Directed and cheered […]

June 2, 2023

Community, Guest Article, Queer Pride, Ritual

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Satanic Flame Ritual

A Short Guide to Private Devotional Magic for Non-Theists and Materialists [Printable Zine] Why bother? Internal focus is a powerful tool for working through problems and shedding feelings that may be holding you back, but as non-theists there is another aspect to the candle ritual. In some religions, prayer allows the faithful to soundboard inner […]

April 5, 2023

Guest Article, Ritual

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[MIRROR] Notes on a farce

Originally published at My Thoughts Born From Fireby Aleph Skoteinos Forgive the interruption between my inquiry on Revolutionary Demonology, but it seems there’s been a nuisance coming my way. Suffice it say that, it is quite incredible to see what lengths some people will go to in order to keep other people’s mouths shut. Last […]

March 28, 2023

Hi Aleph. Your article on Unione Satanisti Italiani is dishonest and leads to slander. Precisely for this reason we’re evaluating with our law firm to proceed with a lawsuit against you. We hope that in the future you will be more careful about making unfounded accusations. You should have read more about us before writing such slanders. We are open to discussion but we do not like those who try to cleverly reinterpret our contents with malice.

Cults, Guest Article, Lawsuits

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[MIRROR] Italian Nazis in Black: An analysis of the Union of Italian Satanists

Originally published at My Thoughts Born From Fireby Aleph Skoteinos Whenever Satanism is covered in the press, the focus is usually on the representations of atheistic Satanism, usually consisting of the Church of Satan, The Satanic Temple, and/or the Global Order of Satan. This is a very problematic phenomenon, one that typically leaves out theistic […]

February 3, 2023

Nazi Satanists Fuck Off

Guest Article

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Gwen Snyder on common cult dynamics

Originally tweeted by antifascist, organizer, writer, bitchmedia contributor Gwen Snyder (@gwensnyderPHL) on August 21, 2022. The Caleb Maupin stuff is horrifying, and horrifying in part because several of his cult tactics are often used by a number of left and “progressive” folks/organizations who seek to exploit young idealists and exploit their labor for profit and […]

August 21, 2022

Two people with a black bars obscuring their eyes stand behind a Grassroots Campaigns recruitment table with pamphlets

Guest Article

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