Worry feels like doing something, as if the more you experience distress, the more you’ve done. But feeling changes nothing. A frenzy of sudden activity and quick, quitting exhaustion also feels like accomplishment. “I did everything I could!” But things are very bad, and we need more than that. You’re going to have to pick […]
This sort of comparison goes back at least as far as 2016 (“Imagine if Frodo was all ‘Sauron’s bad, but Gandalf’s done some morally gray stuff, too, so I’ll stay home.’ Don’t get eaten by orcs. Vote.”), and to liberals who like to situate themselves as being the ultimate good and voting as the ultimate […]
Tumblr Anonymous asked:I identify as butch but have lots of soft plushies in my bed… do you think I ought to remove them before I invite someone over for hookups? never see any butches with plushies tbh so a bit selfconscious @queermasculinedon’t be self-conscious dude. hoarding plushies is a masculine trait. your ancient shepherd instinct. […]
Do support your disabled friends and community, but for example, if an artist is doing a commission for you, listen to them very specifically about how the payments are going to work. The USA’s policy toward disabled people, like many people, is best described as “eugenics… but make it a little less obvious”, so the […]
Tumblr @avramchajabeing a jew studying preholocaust european jewish history is just mourns over what could have been, mourns over what could have been, mourns over what could have been, mourns over what could have been, mourns- @meirmakesstuffWWII alternate history stories always go “What if the Nazis won.” WHAT IF THE JEWS LIVED? @kanguinThat’s actually such […]
Tumblr @corporealphantomReminder that fat disabled people exist and have a sexuality. Reminder that fat disabled people can be queer. They can be bi, pan, lesbian, gay, ace. They can be trans. They can be loud and provocative, or gentle and soft. Fat disabled people can be desired and can also desire. They can be saucy, […]
Please stop doing this. Queen Mab may be bound by clever wordplay, but conservatives are not the fey. The devil may be forced to keep his promises, but Christian Nationalists are not restrained by the same integrity as Old Scratch. “Oh-ho! They didn’t think through their own rules, hmm? What fools! Don’t they even know […]
(But try telling neurotypicals that.) Sometimes the explanation for “the rule” is that people like to be able to mutually share a fiction with one another without piercing the fiction with direct reference. A lot of debt among equals works this way. You may pay for someone’s dinner or do them some favor of labor, […]
Don’t misunderstand: the fundamental problem in your life may well be “Shit Life Syndrome” due to capitalism or a health condition you can’t get treated due to capitalism and medical ableism or something else. Even “just” depression is fucking real, and it’s not your fault. You also aren’t entirely helpless, and while “just do something” […]
Twitter Big Nawl @afroSHIRLDr wouldnt tie my tubes cuz i wasnt married and maybe someday my husband might want kids. Medically, my body belongs to a man I havent met [Jan. 2, 2017] Source Black women in particular have been targeted for forcible sterilization for generations (e.g. “Mississippi appendectomy”) but not allowed to self-sterilize, terminate […]