
No gods, no magisters

There are people who will tell you that to be a Satanist, you have to read Anton LaVey because he invented it, that no such thing existed prior to him. We would not grant that as so. The Satanisms that predated and have rejected his are quite rich. (In our estimation, much richer.) It is […]

April 2, 2021

Spongebob Squarepants reading a paper and tossing it into the fire meme. Spongebob is labeled "Satanists", Paper says "Anton LaVey wrote things every bit as bad as the religions you say you hate"

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Church of Satan, Memes

You are more than your worst moments

You also are those moments, of course. “That’s not really me,” “that’s not who I am,” or “deep down, I’m actually…” this nonsense. There is no, “But I’ve changed.” There is no “born again.” You are what you do repeatedly, and you are everything you’ve ever done; you always will be. All of the harm […]

March 21, 2021

A black and white baphomet with wings and text "You are more than your worst moments"

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What is lawful is irrelevant to what is good — and detestable

Tumblr @literallyaflamenot to hop in on the Hottest Discourse but: age gaps aren’t inherently bad between adults, but they are incredibly suspect in instances where one party has significantly more agency and experience due to their age. a thirty year old dating a forty year old, for instance, isn’t all that big a deal. but […]

March 9, 2021

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There is no “non-violence” under the status quo

“I’m non-violent. I can’t support that form of protest.” Then how are you squaring your support for the violence of the status quo? Not just the actual violence we choose not to count in our statistics, like robbery, theft, simple and aggravated assault, sexual assault, and murder (so long as it’s being committed by agents […]

February 25, 2021

Punk anarchist Baphomet with top surgery scars throwing a Molotov cocktail that was lit by their cigarette. Arms have tattoos of queer communism, satanic antifascism, and squatters symbol as well as usual "solve" and "coagula"

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“Science!” is a superstition

Tumblr @lilacbreastedrollerwild how like PCOS, endometriosis, vaginismus & hell, even frequent yeast infections are “mysterious” with no well known cause and little to no decent treatment, but we have tons of supposedly well researched body fat removal methods, about 20 different kinds of breast implants, laser hair removal, and 100 different dermatologist recommended anti aging […]

February 18, 2021

satanic antifascism symbol over a green Eco-Anarchist flag

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White supremacy devours its own

One of the things that’s immediately apparent about white supremacy is that it badly hurts non-white people. Perhaps less obvious is that an effective secondary purpose is to hurt almost all white people, as well. The bribe of white supremacy is not that it will improve your lot any, just that it will worsen someone […]

February 7, 2021

wretched, somewhat insectival figures labeled "white people" rush into the maw of a giant head labeled "white supremacy", while in the background is an apocalyptic scene of bombed & burnt up buildings

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There is no way to become rich except by violence

There is no way to become rich except by robbing workers of their full value, renting out land and property made private by violence, and/or inheriting that wealth from someone who did, protecting it with violence. Tech billionaires did not invent something new by crushing unions, exploiting (even creating) classes of workers with fewer labor […]

February 5, 2021

image of Monopoly Man running with bag full of money. Text "Private property is robbery with no risk to the robber"

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A better world is possible — but not by following the rules

Tumblr @hater-of-terfsStuff like guerilla gardening, stickering, wheatpasting, lifting, graffiti, pothole-filling and other minor illegal acts aren’t only important for their primary effects, but because disobeying your capitalist programming helps break down the internalized worldview that comes with it You start seeing society as it is: a collection of flawed, limited, man-made institutions that can be […]

January 7, 2021

Punk anarchist Baphomet with top surgery scars throwing a Molotov cocktail that was lit by their cigarette. Arms have tattoos of queer communism, satanic antifascism, and squatters symbol as well as usual "solve" and "coagula"

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“Lizard people” is not actually very funny

Quick takeaway: Resist the urge to make casual “lizard people” jokes even though it seems like it’s just a harmless, out-there conspiracy to reference for funzies. Most people aren’t aware that concept is related to a specific set of beliefs developed by a specific person: David Icke. As these conspiracies tend to do, his veer […]

January 2, 2021

Image of Nashville bomber with photo edits of lizards in suits beside him

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Deradicalization is not a speaking tour

“That’s all in the past; I’m different now,” is really only relevant to your subjective self. It may be good that you have found your essence has changed. It can be helpful to think yourself moved out of one category and into another. To the rest of us, though, all we have access to are […]

December 21, 2020

Tumblr @primordial-fungus-monolith: "I'm not joking when I say that deradicalization should necessarily come with you providing some sort of material aid to the people you hurt"

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