
The future of cruel and wishful thinking

You may be inclined to say “haha me”, but if you are not the sort of person whom news would describe the death of with “pre-existing conditions” or “comorbidities”, you are probably not thinking about this tweet right. Overwhelmed, people have said, “I’m over this.” Out of sheer exhaustion, so many people have said “it’s […]

December 11, 2021

Tweet by Dr Cait S Kirby: Some people are canceling plans due to new COVID data. Some people aren't canceling plans due to COVID because they're making unsafe choices. Other people aren't canceling plans due to COVID because we just haven't made a single plan to do anything besides exist since 3/2020

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Banning plastic straws when [redacted] is necessary

Plastic straws were invented to fill a need: a way for disabled people to be able to actually fucking eat and drink safely. The adoption of an accessibility device by ableds does not mean that it should be banned due to usage by those ableds. It is unforgivable that we have told disabled people their […]

September 27, 2021

Twitter Razorblade Snowflake @Keffy what if instead of a straw ban we banned massive oil pipelines crossing indigenous lands

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On disability, ableism, and how slurs work

Tumblr’s @aylonit [now @disabilitiez]From a physically disabled, wheelchair user: stop using the word “crippled” to describe your experience with anxiety, depression, etc “I have crippling anxiety” “i have crippling depression” “the stress from it all is crippling” you are using a slur. You are disrespecting every physical disabled person. Just use “disabling”. Why are slurs […]

December 11, 2020

Satanic Antifascism logo as the wheel to an "accessible" symbol, the variant with the person in the wheelchair leaning forward

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