
The history of The Satanic Temple’s After School Satan clubs

How The Satanic Temple controls the media — and your mind (Part 2: After School Satan) Last time, we looked in detail at how a press release from The Satanic Temple takes advantage first of weak local journalists and their editors by offering a compelling conflict narrative. This makes a story easy to cover “both sides” of […]

February 10, 2022

Tucker Carlson show screenshot: "Tucker takes on The Satanic Temple" with Carlson and Lucien Greaves (Doug Misicko)

The Satanic Temple

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The Devil is in the Details: Fact-Checking The Satanic Temple’s 2021 “Year-In-Review”

Let’s take a look at how the Temple describes itself to its own supporters versus what actually happened in 2021.

January 4, 2022

Two characters from film "Don't Look Up" staring up at sky at night

The Satanic Temple

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