Twitter Big Nawl @afroSHIRLDr wouldnt tie my tubes cuz i wasnt married and maybe someday my husband might want kids. Medically, my body belongs to a man I havent met [Jan. 2, 2017] Source Black women in particular have been targeted for forcible sterilization for generations (e.g. “Mississippi appendectomy”) but not allowed to self-sterilize, terminate […]
This is going to seem like a stretch, but try to stick with it. At first glance, the idea seems ridiculous that it’s any kind of revolutionary act to make sure you’re using your bathroom breaks at a leisurely pace, posting memes from the Internet or watching till the end of a video. However, as […]
There is a 30-year gap in the life expectancies of Black and white Chicagoans depending on their ZIP code. On average, residents of the Streeterville neighborhood, which is 73% white, live to be 90 years old. Nine miles south, the residents of Englewood, which is nearly 95% Black, have a life expectancy of 60. Journalist […]
Ableism isn’t something that results from a lack of education but how disability and disabled people are fundamentally viewed within a society. There is no technological development that can come about that will fix a structure that views you as subhuman. Capitalism can’t contribute to accessibility because capitalism makes access to products dependent on wealth; […]