
The Satanic Temple is a threat to all Satanists

The Temple admits its members have more to fear from TST than they realize Longtime followers of The Satanic Temple’s legal history will know the Temple is, by design, a far greater threat to its own members than it has ever been interested in, or capable of, posing to the Christian Right. It’s still wild […]

August 28, 2023

From The Satanic Temple’s website’s FAQ section: “I saw something disparaging about TST online” TST's activities typically receive widespread support and glowing reviews. Unfortunately, our efforts sometimes attract negative attention from evangelists, violent abusers, and those seeking to profit from criticism of us. Some of these people join TST so that they can claim to be former members. Negative comments are often outright lies and defamatory. In instances where there is libel, we often take legal action. If you come across sensational accusations, the smallest amount of research is enough to debunk false claims.

Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

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The costs of defending yourself from The Satanic Temple

If you’re already familiar with our situation, feel free to skip down to “By The Numbers“. The background Beyond being a vibe, “Queer Satanic” is a group of four people who have been sued by The Satanic Temple since April 2020 over criticism of the Temple and its owners failing to live up to their […]

March 25, 2022

Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

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