
How to spot when you’re in a cult

Print: [Zine PDF][Zine Mirror][Alternate Zine – In Order][Alternate Zine – Two per page, print front and back, flip on short edge] How to recognize that you’re in a cult seems so obvious and therefore unnecessary to ask that most people never even bother to do so. Consequently, it should not be a surprise so many […]

November 29, 2022

Image of Jim Jones from behind on a stage as he leads a service of The People's Temple, a large crowd in front of him

Community, Cults

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Gwen Snyder on common cult dynamics

Originally tweeted by antifascist, organizer, writer, bitchmedia contributor Gwen Snyder (@gwensnyderPHL) on August 21, 2022. The Caleb Maupin stuff is horrifying, and horrifying in part because several of his cult tactics are often used by a number of left and “progressive” folks/organizations who seek to exploit young idealists and exploit their labor for profit and […]

August 21, 2022

Two people with a black bars obscuring their eyes stand behind a Grassroots Campaigns recruitment table with pamphlets

Guest Article

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