
More filings in Satanic Temple’s SLAPP action against its Queer Satanic heretics

Salem, Mass.-based religious org TST continues legal attack begun in 2020, utilizing for-profit corporation to target four former members now in Washington State court Well, the work/case continues. This state-level lawsuit in King County Superior Court was filed simultaneous to The Satanic Temple appealing the same claims rejected from federal district court in “United Federation […]

August 29, 2024

Etching of execution of Giles Corey with him being tortured by crushing but whose last words were "More weight!" It now says "Pressing QueerSatanic to death" with Corey's head replaced by a satanic antifascism logo and the main interrogator given a TST logo for a head. Stones/weights on top of the crushed person say "Federal district court", "second amended complaint", "Newsweek depositions", "Ninth circuit appeal", and "King County Court"

Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

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