
It’s not the plot that matters; it’s the perspective

This goes back to “perspective” in fiction (and history), and why it is structurally impossible to tell an anti-war film from the perspective of a soldier who is blowing things up in battle; why it’s not really a subversion or critique to have an antihero who does horrible things be a protagonist; why you cannot […]

November 1, 2021

Twitter @7minscifi Parasite (2019), if seen from the perspective of the Park family, is about an innocent family’s misfortune. Here we can see why liberalism, steadfast in the category of rights, could/would never perceive revolutionary reason.

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You really are not immune to propaganda

“You are not immune to propaganda” is an extraordinarily important thing to grasp about the world and your place in it. If you watched “Captain America: Winter Soldier” and thought, “This is a criticism of the U.S. surveillance state”, then that was propaganda working incredibly effectively. Because if you notice, the problem with SHIELD in […]

April 29, 2021

Second World War propaganda by the USA: Uncle Sam standing tall above infantry and airplanes pointing with words "Buy war bonds" across the bottom

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Superheroes can fight for more than the status quo

It’s worth noting that it certainly wasn’t always like this. In fact, the reason why so many early comic creators were Jewish Americans is that, like the film industry before it, Jews couldn’t get jobs in traditional media fields with established gatekeepers. And, wouldn’t you know it, early superheroes fought more than just “crime” back […]

April 14, 2021

Superman stands behind Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin while League of Nations judge says, "Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin, we pronounce you guilty of modern history's greatest crime: unprovoked aggression against defenseless countries."

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