(A Case Against) Identifying with Satanism in the Modern World Zine: [Pages in Order][Two-per-page, print front-and-back, flip-on-short-edge] First, let’s make sure there’s no misunderstanding. Most Satanists do not worship or even believe in a literal, supernatural devil. It is absolutely not the norm for Satanists to abuse or ritually harm children or animals; if anything, […]
How can TST’s defenders think grotesque bigotry by its owner is merely “an imperfection” to be celebrated? When confronted with examples of Doug “Lucien Greaves” Misicko’s pattern of reactionary words and actions over the past two decades, usually, The Satanic Temple’s sycophants offer one of a small handful of stock excuses to deflect and otherwise […]
Reaction to Mitch Horowitz’s “Good, Clean Satanism,” a review of Anton LaVey’s “The Devil’s Notebook” It’s interesting that Mitch Horowitz found The Devil’s Notebook to be inspiring when it, along with Satan Speaks show Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey at his most obvious crankiness. A short version of late-stage LaVey can be be summed up […]