
Finding a better Lord of the Rings analogy for US politics

This sort of comparison goes back at least as far as 2016 (“Imagine if Frodo was all ‘Sauron’s bad, but Gandalf’s done some morally gray stuff, too, so I’ll stay home.’ Don’t get eaten by orcs. Vote.”), and to liberals who like to situate themselves as being the ultimate good and voting as the ultimate […]

June 20, 2024

But they're BOTH so OLD! Gandalf can barely remember his passwords and even forgot that people called him Gandalf (yikes), while Saruman betrayed the Free Peoples of middle-earth and led an insurrection that stormed Helm's Deep. You can see how they're equally bad choices. — JRR Jokien (@joshcarlosjosh) February 15, 2024

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