If you’re already familiar with our situation, feel free to skip down to “By The Numbers“. The background Beyond being a vibe, “Queer Satanic” is a group of four people who have been sued by The Satanic Temple since April 2020 over criticism of the Temple and its owners failing to live up to their […]
Our friends at Dixie Prole had us on to talk about how modern Satanism has been rife with fascism and reaction throughout its history, but how it didn’t and doesn’t have to be that way.
How The Satanic Temple controls the media — and your mind (Part 2: After School Satan) Last time, we looked in detail at how a press release from The Satanic Temple takes advantage first of weak local journalists and their editors by offering a compelling conflict narrative. This makes a story easy to cover “both sides” of […]
TST takes advantage of structural biases of journalists and anti-partisanship in social media to get a reaction without having to do anything more
Let’s take a look at how the Temple describes itself to its own supporters versus what actually happened in 2021.
ACLU and state agree it’s time to get on with long-delayed 10 Commandments case that TST pushed itself into.
The Satanic Temple chooses to support anti-gay, ultra-conservative Catholic group in court battle
Last week, reporter Julia Duin filed her story that involved interviewing us about being sued by The Satanic Temple in federal court and some of the other complaints from previous members about TST’s pattern of behavior.
More than a year passes between TST’s first public event in Florida and for-profit company United Federation of Churches LLC incorporating in Massachusetts in February 2014, so figuring out when “The Satanic Temple” came to exist as it’s understood today is a bit tricky, partially overlapping with the Spectacle Films-project era but evidently preceding even that.
For a long time, it’s been known that The Satanic Temple’s co-owner Lucien Greaves once went on an antisemitic rant about how the Nazis ruined the word antisemitism for everyone and that it was “OK to hate Jews” so long as you were hating observant Jews. He was on a 24-hour radio show celebrating and […]