July 25, 2022

Today is a good day for The Satanic Temple to release its finances

Next, at approximately 0:51, you claim that “one of their chapter leaders being  accused of sexual assault and TST kicking the victim out of the chapter.” This statement is patently false. It is defamatory because it suggests that TST supported a person in a leadership position within the organization who was accused of sexual assault by removing the accuser. This is in direct contrast to  TST’s actual conduct, and it harms the reputation of TST with its current membership, with potential members, and with the public at large. As you have first hand knowledge, TST investigated this matter and found (based on eyewitness interviews) that the “victim” falsified the allegation.

This is so fucking gross of The Satanic Temple to do.

We will re-share the person in their own words for you to read for yourself.

Originally, all of this was public and the person wanted everyone to know and to re-share it because their experience was so different from the idea they had of TST.

But because of a doxing and smear website created in retaliation, others also named and identified in the doxing site asked them and later us not to bring more attention to it. Due to that pushback, the person made their posts more private and asked us to redact some of it, which of course we were willing to do.

Images and then transcript of all of them after, but content warning: sexual assault discussion to follow.

We understand that’s a lot, and you may not have been able to get through it all, especially if you are a victim of sexual assault or harassment who has experienced similar re-traumatization after the event based on how people around you reacted.

So take a deep breath, maybe walk around for a minute, because it gets worse.

[White]'s Defamation of John Doe
November 1st, 2019 — [White] performs oral sex on [Red] while he is asleep, after a church event On the evening of October 31st, 2019, [Red] held a church social event at his house. During this period of time, [White] was still living in [Red's] office.

We have never re-shared the smear website that was made to target that person who came forward about their sexual assault — which to this day is still the top search result for that person’s name.

We whited out the name of the person the site is targeting, but it may not be obvious that the people who made this smear website actually named the guy themselves before at some later point switching to “John Doe”; we are censoring his name here where they did not because The Satanic Temple is very malicious but also astoundingly incompetent.

T.S. [Redacted] Facebook post: "It's live. Also, for all the audio clips to work, you'll need to use a desktop/laptop." Link to [victim]'s lies get attention dot com, accusing them by name of defaming T.S.'s partner, which T.S. also names
The partner of the accused rapist posting the smear site of the victim to Facebook, Sep. 13, 2020.

The people behind this website accused the person you’ve already read above of lying about sexual assault for attention. The site then named them about 170 times to make sure it would be in any search results for them — by employers, people dating them in the future, anyone! — as well as naming a friend, family of that friend, and others many dozens of times, too. Of course, they always say “church” and not “The Satanic Temple”, presumably because they didn’t want it coming up in TST results.

We really don’t want to show much of this. Every time we have cause to re-visit this doxing, smear website, it is newly revolting. For anyone to think this was appropriate — even if it were in response to a false accusation of sexual assault — is abominable beyond words.

Note: We are not including the section of the smear site where they post multiple PornHub videos from the account of one of the people showing bruises on their thighs as a way to discredit them.

Dropped into a Word processor, this about 60 pages of text, images, and video, and there is so much that is so much worse.

It’s unconscionable.

[White]'s Defamation of John Doe
The only way to fight defamation is by exposing the truth. This page shows how [White] and [Green] coordinated lies about sexual assault to get attention, to achieve social ascendancy, and to ruin John Doe.
The following is based on the experiences, thoughts, and interpretations of John Doe.
You must take the facts and come to your own conclusions.
Content warning: this page contains graphic images and descriptions of violent and disturbing events.
Fact: False accusations waste valuable law enforcement resources that could be used to investigate actual crimes.
Fact: [White] and [Green] have not gone to the police. Click here to send a text message to [Yellow] to ask for a report number and the name of the APD employee investigating John Doe.
Fact: [Green] and [White] refuse to take a polygraph test regarding their accusations.
Fact: [Yellow] is not a law enforcement officer or criminal detective.
Fact: [White] and [Green] have contradicted themselves and changed their stories numerous times. [1] [2]
Fact: [White]'s friends have pointedly stated they do not believe John Doe assaulted her, and are afraid of the social repercussions of voicing those opinions.
Fact: [Green] and [Yellow] both have a history of framing innocent men and creating distrust in the Me Too movement.

Ultimately, there is no investigation. If there were, [White] and [Green] would have shown the world "all the evidence" they have. They have none. They wasted words to get a reaction from you, to get attention from you, and to seek social ascendancy among the members of John Doe' church and social community. If John Doe is as dangerous as [White] and [Green] claim, why is APD allowing him to roam free?

(In fact, Austin police claim to clear only half of all rapes reported to them, and an audit discovered APD made arrests in just 17 percent of rape investigations total.)

That last picture really showcases how rabidly out-of-touch defenders of TST loyalists are about how “the justice system” works in practice but also structures of power more generally.

Nor is this isolated or new.

For all the women and nonbinary people celebrated for being in visible positions and leadership, who is that serving and who has the ultimate power? Read the Temple’s former national spokesperson Jex Blackmore talking about this sort of thing in 2018.

Over the years, members and chapter heads have requested and proposed the implementation of a gender, sexual, and racial diversity policy to ensure equity within TST leadership and alignment to the mission. The demand was not simply ignored but completely dismissed. The demand was not hollow; there was a clear and pressing need for this policy. While I was part of the organization, I witnessed male members of the organization exploit their position and influence to behave inappropriately and disrespectfully towards women. I myself experienced harassment and abuse from members who have now left the organization. I was not supported by leadership during these times, but was asked to let it all “blow over.” I don’t speak for anyone but myself, but I know that my experience is one of many examples of systematic gaslighting, degradation, and bullying that many women have experienced within TST over the years.

“While I was part of the organization, I witnessed male members of the organization exploit their position and influence to behave inappropriately and disrespectfully towards women. I myself experienced harassment and abuse from members who have now left the organization,” Jex Blackmore wrote then.

Rumor Solanine, a former leader from Dallas-Fort Worth then San Diego, described a similar culture among the Southern California local groups, which led to her being blamed for talking about and shunned.

Rumor Solanine, May 2, 2021
Just a reminder that TST doesn't like it when you post terrible shit they do publically because of "harm to the community" 🙄
Here is the conversation I had with IC that got me quietly removed from groups so I wouldn't cause a fuss because I refused to take down my post about the SoCal Chapter Heads being abhorrent asshats
May 2, 2021, Facebook post with original screenshots

Actually, an inciting incident in our own chapter in Washington State that resulted in us being hit with a SLAPP suit by TST involved a former local member who had previously been sexually harassed for months with no action. They were famous for creating an evocative look that got national and international press coverage for The Satanic Temple, and they were upset that TST kept using their image for self-promotion, even years after they left due to repeated harassment unaddressed by local leaders.

You can read more about that here and here.

Surely there are more than we know about since events like “Lupercalia” seem especially fraught and dangerous to talk about; TST was willing to sue Newsweek for libel for talking about TST’s official BDSM events and orgies, which are even laid out in the Temple’s own “Sex-Positive Guidelines“. Structurally, TST is set up as a hierarchy where you have to go through the friends of people you have complaints about, and if you have complaints about the people at the top? You’re shit-out-of-luck, especially given the sort of people at the top.

But in terms of what we are aware of, what happened to the person in Austin is on another level.

Imagine doxing someone and their nearby social circle, and then airing every bit of dirty laundry to characterize or outright call them mentally ill, attention seekers, liars, perverse sluts, etc.

Then imagine, when that’s not enough, an organization that fancies itself a church threatening to sue other women for talking about it.

The Satanic Temple claims it doesn’t have an internal culture of abuse, and it so much does not have a problem, it will claim that referencing past examples to the contrary is defamation.

Of course, read that legal threat to The Satanic HouseWife at the top again. The sneering contempt is just dripping from TST lawyer Matt Kezhaya there also says plenty on its own.

For clarity, The Satanic HouseWife was a member of the Austin TST chapter, too, which is why being forced to recant and apologize for this specific event was so sadistic of The Satanic Temple.

For the Temple, TST is always the real victim.

Bonus: TST lead counsel and longtime Redditor Matt “u/stormsmcgee” Kezhaya in law school weighing in on sexual assault believability.

–]stormsmcgee 3 points 8 years ago 
I disagree with making rape a capital offense (punishable by execution). The definition of rape is substantially different between jurisdictions, and I think it would be unjust to execute someone for conduct that is defensible in some jurisdictions, but not the one he happened to be in.

Additionally, it's my understanding that rape often comes down to he-said-she-said, and sometimes she is lying. The idea of someone being executed because some immature girl lied about being raped is particularly offensive to me.

OK, Matt.


  1. […] the Houston Press and QueerSatanic, a group of four Seattle-area Satanists that I also reported on, have to say.) Or do pioneering work on other meaty topics, such as religious persecution and clergy sex abuse, […]

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The Satanic Temple's Boogeyman

Queer Satanic

TST sued us from April 2020 to September 2024, and we are still here.