Anton LaVey , the founder of the Church of Satan, directly lifted passages from the 19th century proto-fascist book Might Is Right by “Ragnar Redbeard” (Arthur Desmond) and did so extensively and without credit to produce a substantial part of LaVey’s most famous and popular work The Satanic Bible. [skip to comparison][skip to asterisk] This […]
Friday, Jan. 17, 2025 at 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Left Bank Books Nazi-Satanists aren’t just an outlandish headline, they’re a real thing—and increasingly intertwined with neo-Nazi terrorist networks. This talk will give a short history of Nazi-Satanism and show how its influence has ranged from Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan to the neo-Nazi […]
(A Case Against) Identifying with Satanism in the Modern World Zine: [Pages in Order][Two-per-page, print front-and-back, flip-on-short-edge] First, let’s make sure there’s no misunderstanding. Most Satanists do not worship or even believe in a literal, supernatural devil. It is absolutely not the norm for Satanists to abuse or ritually harm children or animals; if anything, […]
A cursory look at some of the Church of Satan founder’s politics and views We often criticize The Satanic Temple, and for obvious reasons. They have been suing us for more than three years, and are at present the largest, most prominent, and most popular Satanic organization in the world. When a news org wants […]
There are people who will tell you that to be a Satanist, you have to read Anton LaVey because he invented it, that no such thing existed prior to him. We would not grant that as so. The Satanisms that predated and have rejected his are quite rich. (In our estimation, much richer.) It is […]