The Satanic Temple

“Lucien Greaves” and The Satanic Temple have a lot to answer for

How can TST’s defenders think grotesque bigotry by its owner is merely “an imperfection” to be celebrated? When confronted with examples of Doug “Lucien Greaves” Misicko’s pattern of reactionary words and actions over the past two decades, usually, The Satanic Temple’s sycophants offer one of a small handful of stock excuses to deflect and otherwise […]

Lawsuits The Satanic Temple

To Shame the Devil: Satanic Temple’s Lawsuit Against Ex-Members Fails Again

Federal judge in Washington State dismisses Salem, Mass., corp’s SLAPP suit for the second time [Read as PDF] Seattle, Wash. — For the second time in nearly three years of litigation, a federal district court in Washington State dismissed all claims made by The Satanic Temple against four of its former members. The Court found […]

Footnotes Lawsuits The Satanic Temple

Footnotes: The Satanic Temple in the courts

Doug Misicko and Cevin Soling on the record in court depositions and testimony The following are the available court depositions of Doug Misicko (a.k.a. “Doug Mesner”, “Lucien Greaves”) and Cevin Soling (“Calvin Soling”, “Malcolm Jarry”) in matters concerning “The Satanic Temple”, which alternatively means the for-profit United Federation of Churches, LLC, dba The Satanic Temple; […]

Lawsuits The Satanic Temple

This invoice reveals the inner workings of The Satanic Temple’s finances

Two-thirds of donation money for Satanic veterans’ memorial in Belle Plaine remains largely unaccounted for, federal court documents reveal “If you gave $1,000 to The Satanic Temple, how would you know where it ended up?” As we’ve talked about before, that is a much more complicated question than most people realize, but we recently got […]

Lawsuits The Satanic Temple

Playing “a shell game”: Arkansas claims it needs federal court’s help to get to deepest circle of Satanic org’s finances

ACLU and state agree it’s time to get on with long-delayed 10 Commandments case that TST pushed itself into.

The Satanic Temple What The Hell Is The Satanic Temple?

What the hell is “The Satanic Temple”? — Ep. 3: United Federation of Churches LLC

More than a year passes between TST’s first public event in Florida and for-profit company United Federation of Churches LLC incorporating in Massachusetts in February 2014, so figuring out when “The Satanic Temple” came to exist as it’s understood today is a bit tricky, partially overlapping with the Spectacle Films-project era but evidently preceding even that.

The Satanic Temple

Why You Haven’t Left The Satanic Temple

For a long time, it’s been known that The Satanic Temple’s co-owner Lucien Greaves once went on an antisemitic rant about how the Nazis ruined the word antisemitism for everyone and that it was “OK to hate Jews” so long as you were hating observant Jews. He was on a 24-hour radio show celebrating and […]