Watch Twitch.TV/QueerSatanic(8 p.m. Pacific Fridays / 0300 GMT Saturdays) [INFORMED DISSENT] The Satanic Temple Inc. v. Newsweek Magazine LLC TST’s own evidence reveals how poor its reaction to sexual abuse claims are The Satanic Temple has been suing Newsweek since 2022 over a critical article the magazine published in October 2021 focusing on TST’s SLAPP […]
The Temple admits its members have more to fear from TST than they realize Longtime followers of The Satanic Temple’s legal history will know the Temple is, by design, a far greater threat to its own members than it has ever been interested in, or capable of, posing to the Christian Right. It’s still wild […]
Religious Beliefs of The Satanic Temple The Satanic Temple believes that God is supernatural and thus outside of the sphere of the physical. God’s perfection means that he cannot interact with the imperfect corporeal realm. Because God cannot intervene in the material world, He created Satan to preside over the universe as His proxy. Satan […]