There’s an unfortunate tendency of people to say: a) “Satanist”/“Satanic” to just mean “thing I don’t like”;b) “(nazi) SATANISTS? how alarming!” missing what’s truly harmful here;c) “Those are fake satanists. Only Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan…”; ord) “Real Satanists are the good guys — more Christlike than Christians, even” Your mileage may vary […]
‘… we’d love to hear more about y’all … as a meme page and a quasi-group? collective? whatever y’all wanna say. In your ideology what are some more positive aspects of y’all? Because from what Tyler said, from what y’all had to say … y’all sound great?’ ‘Don’t take this the wrong way, but y’all seem […]
You don’t have to pick one, and neither do they. This probably deserves its own post in detail, but the idea that “no gods, no masters” means people can’t continue to experience religion seems as ridiculous as claiming it means no one could seek out an expert to apprentice themselves to (or a dominatrix to […]
After clarifying that “The United States itself has never been exempt from fascism”, historian Robert Paxton goes on to suggest: The language and symbols of an authentic American fascism would, of course, have little to do with the original European models. They would have to be familiar and reassuring to loyal Americans as the language […]
It’s true that most fascists in America, like most people, are Christian. However, that doesn’t change that the elements that actually make Christo-fascism bad (the fascism) also show up in lots of other areas like the occult, neo-paganism, and video game culture. Obvious in the picture below is the pseudo-Nordic aesthetic of Arizona QAnon supporter […]
Saying that you oppose “unjust” hierarchies can be used as a dangerous weasel word to justify nearly anything But, it’s also important to look at other models of leadership that may even have been hereditary yet led by persuasion rather than dominance or the threat of violence. There’s a tendency even (especially?) on the colonizer […]
“Revolution means, in the historical sense of the word, the radical reform of institutions, achieved rapidly by the violent insurrection of the people against existing power and privileges; and we are revolutionaries and insurrectionists because we do not just want to improve existing institutions but to destroy them completely, abolishing every form of domination by […]
This article by Lynda V. Mapes is a reminder of how any emphasis on consumerist veganism as a strategy, or shaming people for their diets, is ineffective and, considering the opportunity cost, actively counter-productive. It’s not enough to stop eating fish, to convince all of your friends and family to stop eating fish, to boycott […]
Fifty-one years ago today, Chicago police and FBI assassinated Fred Hampton and Mark Clark of the Black Panthers. If it happened in Central America, we’d call it “a right-wing death squad,” but it happened in the middle of Chicago, so today it would be called a “police-involved shooting.” FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover had said […]
“What most pacifists do not seem to understand is that free speech does not empower us, and it does not equal freedom. … Free speech is only free as long as it is not a threat and does not come with the possibility of challenging the system. The most freedom of speech I have ever […]