
Anton LaVey plagiarized* “Might Is Right” — here’s the proof

Anton LaVey , the founder of the Church of Satan, directly lifted passages from the 19th century proto-fascist book Might Is Right by “Ragnar Redbeard” (Arthur Desmond) and did so extensively and without credit to produce a substantial part of LaVey’s most famous and popular work The Satanic Bible. [skip to comparison][skip to asterisk] This […]

March 21, 2025

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Church of Satan

Anton LaVey was worse than you think

A cursory look at some of the Church of Satan founder’s politics and views We often criticize The Satanic Temple, and for obvious reasons. They have been suing us for more than three years, and are at present the largest, most prominent, and most popular Satanic organization in the world. When a news org wants […]

September 5, 2023

Black and white photo of Anton LaVey and Peter Gilmore standing, posing with a revolver and a rifle, respectively

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Church of Satan

No one cares what you think a “real Satanist” is

Criticism of Satanism and Satanists tends to fall into one of only two types. The first and most common generally is just right-wing reactionary paranoia; it’s typical antisemitic tropes dressed up in horns, a tail, and handed a pitchfork to be able to be shouted openly with only people in-the-know understanding the implicit Judenhass. But […]

November 6, 2021

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Church of Satan, Memes, The Satanic Temple

No gods, no magisters

There are people who will tell you that to be a Satanist, you have to read Anton LaVey because he invented it, that no such thing existed prior to him. We would not grant that as so. The Satanisms that predated and have rejected his are quite rich. (In our estimation, much richer.) It is […]

April 2, 2021

Spongebob Squarepants reading a paper and tossing it into the fire meme. Spongebob is labeled "Satanists", Paper says "Anton LaVey wrote things every bit as bad as the religions you say you hate"

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Church of Satan, Memes

Old Satanist yells at cloud

Reaction to Mitch Horowitz’s “Good, Clean Satanism,” a review of Anton LaVey’s “The Devil’s Notebook” It’s interesting that Mitch Horowitz found The Devil’s Notebook to be inspiring when it, along with Satan Speaks show Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey at his most obvious crankiness. A short version of late-stage LaVey can be be summed up […]

December 4, 2020

Simpsons meme of "Old Man Yells At Cloud" newspaper headline, but Grandpa Simpson has been edited to have Anton LaVey's face instead

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Church of Satan, Memes