When we say “crime is a social construction” we don’t mean that the harm done when someone is killed, robbed, or assaulted (including sexually assaulted) is subjective or all in your head. We mean U.S. cops execute an unknown exactly but thousand-plus people per year, and it’s never murder; it’s a “good kill” or, with […]
Tumblr’s @aylonit [now @disabilitiez]From a physically disabled, wheelchair user: stop using the word “crippled” to describe your experience with anxiety, depression, etc “I have crippling anxiety” “i have crippling depression” “the stress from it all is crippling” you are using a slur. You are disrespecting every physical disabled person. Just use “disabling”. Why are slurs […]
Dr. CBS [Charisse Burden-Stelly] @blackleftafThe interconnection of anticommunism and antiblackness is not about whether Black people like or dislike communism, but rather how anticommunism is a powerful technology of repression used to uphold white supremacy and Black subjection and, of course, racial capitalism.Dec. 9, 2020 In the power centers of the United States, specifically, it’s […]
Tumblr @feywildwestemployees should be allowed to steal, actually idk. yesterday was a slow day and at the end of it, I still stared into a cash drawer, one of three, that had more than my rent in it, even if you only count the 20s. I spent a lot of that day trying to calculate […]
Reaction to Mitch Horowitz’s “Good, Clean Satanism,” a review of Anton LaVey’s “The Devil’s Notebook” It’s interesting that Mitch Horowitz found The Devil’s Notebook to be inspiring when it, along with Satan Speaks show Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey at his most obvious crankiness. A short version of late-stage LaVey can be be summed up […]
Zootopia has the common fallacy of animal allegory fiction that altho its message is one thing (“racism/misogyny are bad”) everything else about the universe runs contrary to that because there actually are essentialist differences between animal species. Something you notice about Robin Hood is that, for the most part, there’s no rhyme or reason to […]
This is a non-theistic space, not an anti-theist space. We don’t talk about negatively about “religion” because the problems we have with particular religions are not located in their beliefs in the supernatural or their rituals. We oppose harmful superstitions, like gender essentialism and white supremacy, beliefs that people believe in and act on to […]
Should statues to slavers be torn down and broken? Absolutely. Does putting Satanic imagery in their place contribute any reparative justice? Don’t see how. The white Christians will bring up bonkers shit to avoid grappling with Christian white supremacy; you don’t have to take the bait. Yes, the white conservative Christians are bigots who will […]