
The Satanic Temple and its Eternal Nobodies

TST members and local groups begin another mass departure as Lucien Greaves clarifies once again that the “freedom to offend” does not include him as a target 5/31/24: Article updated from original publish date as more information became available and more TST groups and prominent figures publicly exited the org. Additional events after May 31 […]

May 17, 2024

Doug Misicko aka Lucien Greaves on his phone typing with a tweet by him that says “Did the FB chatter not look shittening to you? Certainly looks that way to me.”

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The Satanic Temple

“The Satanic Temple: The Lasting Influence of the Abraxas Circle” by Spencer Sunshine

This is excerpted from Spencer Sunshine’s book Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism: The Origins and Afterlife of James Mason’s Siege. It documents how Siege—the “bible” of aspiring neo-Nazi terrorists like the Atomwaffen Division—was created and disseminated. In particular, the second half deals with the role played by four 1980s and ‘90s countercultural figures: Boyd Rice, Adam Parfrey, Michael Moynihan, and Nikolas Schreck, who in turn collected a group of collaborators which Sunshine calls the “Abraxas Circle.” The end of the book includes a section about the influence of the Abraxas Circle on TST—especially the infamous 2003 “Might is Right” show.

May 9, 2024

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Guest Article, The Satanic Temple

The Satanic Temple II: Electric Boogaloo

TST’s second lawsuit against four former members in Washington State rolls on in King County superior court. Now, as we were able to happily announce in January, The Satanic Temple is no longer suing us in federal court! Apparently TST decided that the Ninth Circuit requiring them to actually specify what and how they claimed […]

March 9, 2024

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Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

What’s Left of the South pod Ep: 107 “The Satanic Temple is NOT your friend” w/ Queer Satanic

(Formerly dotprole) Southern working-class podcast from a leftist perspective. We talk about current issues affecting Southerners, Southern history, and we make fun of Yankees! Our friends at What’s Left of the South pod had us back on to talk about how The Satanic Temple is not actually able to help people get around state laws […]

February 18, 2024

Logos for Queer Satanic and What's Left of the South podcast

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Community, The Satanic Temple

Moreover, we’re no longer being sued by The Satanic Temple in federal court


January 25, 2024

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Lawsuits, Lawyers Are Expensive, The Satanic Temple

2023 was a very bad year for The Satanic Temple in court

TST started two new lawsuits in 2023, but they lost eight existing cases and seem to have completely abandoned two others Yet again, the legal performance of The Satanic Temple was disappointing and incompetent at best, but just as likely the worse conclusion is true: it was a needless waste of much-needed resources by attention-seeking […]

December 22, 2023

Doug "Lucien Greaves" Misicko standing with open mouth saying "we suck lol" over the top part of a chart showing The Satanic Temple's legal failures as of December 2023

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Abortion, Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

The Satanic Temple and Christian nationalists are on the same side

TST isn’t engaging in “successful trolling” or undermining Dominionists; they are actively fueling a culture war that benefits both reactionaries and corporate Satanists Christmas is a booming season for The Satanic Temple. Submitting winter holiday displays to counter Christian nativity scenes is a tradition for the Temple that goes all the way back to the […]

December 19, 2023

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The Satanic Temple

Ninth Circuit gives Satanic Temple’s SLAPP suit mixed response

Federal appellate court affirms that failed cyberpiracy accusations were bogus but grants TST another chance to make defamation claim against four former members Jeremy Roller, attorney for the Defendants, told Law360: My clients are delighted that the Ninth Circuit affirmed Judge Jones’ dismissal of TST’s unfounded Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act claim. While we are disappointed […]

December 1, 2023

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Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

Why did The Satanic Temple lose its Indiana abortion lawsuit?

TST’s failure in The Satanic Temple Inc. vs Rokita highlights how ill-equipped and deeply unserious the Temple’s owners are about confronting the Christian right, especially in a post-Dobbs world In late September 2022, TST filed two nearly identical federal lawsuits in Idaho and Indiana, once again in an ostensible attempt to establish a religious exemption […]

November 15, 2023

ourobouros with a TST logo in the middle but the head is labeled "malice" and the tail it's eating is labeled "incompetence"

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Abortion, Lawsuits, The Satanic Temple

Footnotes to The Atlantic’s: “A Satanic Rebellion – Social justice collides with the Satanic Temple”

In early October, The Atlantic‘s staff writer Helen Lewis finally published a story about the fallout from Doug Misicko a.k.a. “Lucien Greaves” taking a chummy photo with his friend the “anti-woke” sex pest and disgraced atheist “firebrand” David Silverman, most notable now for his anti-trans views. Unfortunately, Lewis is basically your bog-standard TERF Island journalist, […]

November 8, 2023

logo from 2019 re-design of The Atlantic

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Footnotes, The Satanic Temple