February 18, 2024

What’s Left of the South pod Ep: 107 “The Satanic Temple is NOT your friend” w/ Queer Satanic

(Formerly dotprole) Southern working-class podcast from a leftist perspective. We talk about current issues affecting Southerners, Southern history, and we make fun of Yankees!

Our friends at What’s Left of the South pod had us back on to talk about how The Satanic Temple is not actually able to help people get around state laws in red states like the South to access abortions, and why TST’s owners are garbage.

Moreover, we’re no longer being sued by The Satanic Temple in federal court. But the state course case looks like it’s proceeding. So we also talked a lil’ about that.

We’ll have to see if, like our last appearance on the pod back in 2022, the Temple has one of their paid contractors listen to the show, partially transcribe it, and submit it to the court record with nonspecific claims of defamation.

Anyway, check out our interview.

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The Satanic Temple's Boogeyman

Queer Satanic

TST sued us from April 2020 to September 2024, and we are still here.